1. | Kraka Powakka | 
 | Mo, 11/29 | dep. arr. | 14:00 14:10 | Nationaal Vervoer Bedrijf (+597) (0)401293 | Journey duration: 0:10h
Bus: comes from Atjoni, continues to Paramaribo |
| Journey duration: 0:10h  Bus: comes from Atjoni, continues to Paramaribo |
2. | Kraka Powakka | 
 | Tu, 11/30 | dep. arr. | 08:30 08:40 | Nationaal Vervoer Bedrijf (+597) (0)401293 | Journey duration: 0:10h
Bus: comes from Brokopondo, continues to Paramaribo |
| Journey duration: 0:10h  Bus: comes from Brokopondo, continues to Paramaribo |